Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Tim Bahula
Serving with ABWE
Tim serves with ABWE Canada at Horizon Education Network as the Curriculum Design Officer. Tim has six children - Andrew, Emily, Kate, Abigail, Grace, and Luke. At London Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Tim earned his Bachelor of Theology and Master of Divinity degrees. Tim has a passion for leadership training and theological education. He previously worked in the ABWE Canada office as Director of Communications and Training and in Trinidad and Tobago as Principal of the Baptist Seminary of the West Indies.
Serving with ABWE
After the death of her husband, God called Mary to serve in medical mission work in S.E. Asia. She left her homeland in September 1988 for a 3 year short term assignment. After she returned to Canada, she was appointed with the mission as a career missionary in 1992. Mary returned to the field shortly thereafter. Mary supervises the Labour & Delivery Unit, Neonatal Unit, Postpartum and Female Wards in the mission hospital she serves. In addition, she is the expatriate health nurse and manages the Association of Baptist Guest Houses in her region. Each month she has a Bible study with approximately 40 widows from local churches. Through the years she has witnessed good health care changes within the country; the impact of the gospel in the lives of people; and the growth of the local churches. To God be the Glory, great things He has done!

YFC London
Inspired by Christ, our “love your neighbour” philosophy extends to all youth in London. We see the potential in every young person and desire to see that potential grow into fully-realized, exceptional young citizens.
Transformed youth can transform communities, our country, and the world. Our desire is for every young person that connects with YFC to personally know Jesus Christ and understand they are God’s unique design.
YFC provides community programs that meet kids where they are at and encourages them to connect with peers, mentors and God.
Transformed youth can transform communities, our country, and the world. Our desire is for every young person that connects with YFC to personally know Jesus Christ and understand they are God’s unique design.
YFC provides community programs that meet kids where they are at and encourages them to connect with peers, mentors and God.
Key Bible Clubs
Key Bible Clubs is a ministry to children. Since 1990 they have run Bible clubs across Southwestern Ontario in schools or nearby facilities. Their sole purpose is to teach the Bible to elementary school children. Dwight and his wife Sharon’s involvement with Key Bible Clubs began in 1990. Dwight was a club leader for several years for numerous clubs throughout Middlesex County. From 1997 to 2006 Sharon served as the Administrative Assistant for Key Bible Clubs. In 2008 Dwight became a director on the ministry’s board and became the Board Chairperson in 2010. He served in that role until 2017. When Ron Easton retired in 2017 Dwight took on the role of Chief Operating Officer.

TWR Women of Hope
TWR Women of Hope introduces women to the hope found in Jesus and equips them to discover how that hope transforms their lives. TWR Canada supports the global prayer ministry and reaches women in their heart languages of Bambara, French, Low German and Makhuwa.