

Being and Making Disciples of Jesus

We pursue Wholehearted discipleship

We will be disciples of Jesus as we follow His radical example of obedience (Phil. 2:5-8). Having been given the righteousness of Jesus through His death and resurrection, we commit ourselves to follow Jesus and be conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29, 2 Cor. 3:18). Following Jesus is not easy; therefore, we rely on the power of His Holy Spirit and the encouragement of this church family to help us follow Jesus.

We Display gospel community

We will be disciples of Jesus as we give ourselves to humbly loving and serving one another as Jesus has loved us (John 13:34). Amidst a beautiful diversity of people in our church family, we will strive to be a community which displays gospel unity based on our common gift of peace with God through Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:3). Gospel community is filled with grace and truth; it is marked by a deep humility which causes its members to give themselves to helping one another follow Jesus.

We Evangelize our World

We will make disciples of Jesus as we proclaim His great Salvation (Rom. 10:17). We will obey Jesus’ command to be His witnesses in our neighbourhoods, our city, and around the world (Acts 1:8). We will equip, encourage, and join one another in this great task of helping others follow Jesus.

We Build Strong Families

We will make disciples of Jesus as we invest ourselves in equipping families to showcase His character (Eph. 5:32). We will seek to encourage and equip healthy and stable homes in which children are raised in the gracious instruction of godly parents (Prov. 1:8). As we joyfully celebrate God’s good design for the Christian family, we commit to sharing that love and stability with every member of this church family, helping one another follow Jesus.

Why "Church"?

We believe the church is God’s great idea and that it belongs to Jesus Christ, our Saviour. At Compass, we believe the church is God’s sole plan to be the place in which we are equipped to be and make disciples of Jesus. The church is the people who encourage us to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. The church is a community that displays God’s grace through supernatural unity. The church is a body proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to our world. The church is a heavenly family in which we learn how to follow Jesus. The church is God’s plan for now, to prepare us for God’s plan for eternity; it is a dim but beautiful reflection of the eternal community of God’s children who will glorify and enjoy Him forever through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Why "Community"?

We believe God created us for community just as He lives in the holy community of the 3-in-1 God. At Compass, we are one community called the church, which is made up of many smaller communities, such as families and small groups. However, we don’t just exist to further our own community. Instead, we desire to be a church which has an active role in evangelizing and serving the local community around us. We want to be a church in the community, with a heart for the community, and by God’s grace, becoming a church of the community.

Why "Compass"?

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, which does not err and cannot fail. The Bible shapes our understanding of the world, life, and eternity. Everybody lives with a worldview which helps them answer questions such as: “How did the world begin?” “Is there a God?” and if so, “How should I live?” At Compass, we believe God has answered these, and many other questions, in His Word, the Bible. The Bible is our compass. Just as a compass points a traveller toward magnetic north, the Bible points us to the Truth. We believe this Truth has a name –Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason for life, our purpose for living, our Saviour, our Lord, and our God. At Compass, we strive to be a church unwaveringly rooted in the Word of God, which is our perfect guide in being and making disciples of Jesus.