"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20

We minister to the men of Compass for the purpose of building a strong community whose lives are rooted in the Word of God, who lead their Church and families well, and who spur one another on toward growth in Jesus Christ. Our Men’s Ministry includes a few special events every year, along with a weekly (Tuesday night) opportunity for growth and discipleship through the Word of God.
Compass Family Night
Tuesdays 6:45 - 8:00pm
Tuesdays 6:45 - 8:00pm
Men ages 16+
Compass Community Church
Our ministry to women seeks to encourage us toward love for God and for one another. This will happen as we devote ourselves to studying His Word together, as we commit to times of fellowship with one another, and as we use our gifts to serve each other and our community. We are constantly seeking opportunities to share how we can be praying for one another and to encourage one another as we follow Jesus.

Compass Family Night
Tuesdays 6:45 - 8:00pm
Tuesdays 6:45 - 8:00pm
Women ages 16+
Compass Community Church
Compass Marriage

The Compass Marriage Ministry seeks to build strong families by strengthening the marriages which lead our homes. We believe that our marriages are designed by God to reflect the love that Jesus has shown to His church. Such a marriage is a witness to the world, an encouragement to the church and a solid foundation upon which families will thrive.
6 - 8 meetings each year
See Events Calendar for exact dates
See Events Calendar for exact dates
Married Couples
Compass Community Church
Circle of Friends
The mission of Circle of Friends is to show God’s love and power as we meet practical and spiritual needs in local and global areas. We strive to care for the needs of others with compassion. While Circle of Friends is largely attended by our senior ladies, it is open to all who are looking for an opportunity to fellowship with others and to serve people here and around the world. Please see the Events Calendar for exact dates of when Circle of Friends meets.

2nd and 4th Wednesdays 10:00am to 1:00pm
See Events Calendar for exact dates
See Events Calendar for exact dates
Conway Hall
Compass Community Church
Compass Community Church